Lubricating oil is a liquid lubricant widely used in mechanical equipment。Lubricating oil on the metal surface can not only reduce friction, reduce wear, but also continuously absorb heat from the friction surface。Reduce the temperature of the friction surface。To cool...
What is the difference between food grade lubricants and non-food grade lubricants?First, there are some differences between food grade lubricants and non-food grade lubricants in the scope of application。
Lubricating silicone grease (lubricating oil) is a kind of oil used to reduce the friction of the mechanical contact part, below we mainly understand the type, composition and application scenario of lubricating silicone grease (hereinafter referred to as lubricating oil)。Types of lubricating oil :1, car...
The selection of suitable lubricating oil has a crucial impact on the life of the engine。If your engine needs a longer service life, then choosing Lanzhou lubricating oil will be a good choice。First of all, Lanzhou lubricating oil...
Rail oil Lanzhou lubricating oil is northwest China..One option。The company was founded in the 1950s and has a number of properties..Technical sum..Our production equipment is dedicated to the development and production of high quality lubricant products。First of all, Lanzhou lubricants...
In recent years, Lanzhou lubricant industry has developed rapidly and become the northwest region..One of the strength of the lubricant production base。However, in the face of increasingly fierce market competition and market changes at home and abroad, Lanzhou lubricant industry still needs to continue to innovate.
Into the 21st century, although the supply and demand of lubricating oil has a certain fluctuation, it has basically remained improved for a long time。The overall consumption of all lubricating oil, according to incomplete statistical analysis (because of different origins and standards, specific statistical work has been produced.
Can Lanzhou lubricating oil be mixed?Read it and you'll understand!Many people think that there is no problem with the mixing of lubricating oil, but in specific cases, there are many problems caused by the blind mixing of lubricating oil, so that the mixing of lubricating oil can be mastered.
The oxidation level of anti-wear hydraulic oil。In the use of anti-wear hydraulic oil, because of the change of ambient temperature, the effect of oxygen in the air and sunlight, it may be slowly oxidized, so that its viscosity and other characteristics change。The level of air oxidation, usually from Gan...
The selection of lubricating oil in Lanzhou should consider the following factors: In most cases, the lubricating oil products used in Lanzhou can be roughly divided into two categories: industrial machinery lubricants and industrial production process oils。The selection of lubricating oil is the main link of lubricating oil...
What are the precautions of Lanzhou lubricating oil?让我们看看! 1.All kinds of lubricating oil of Lanzhou lubricating oil should be arranged systematically for easy access。 Various brands, full synthetic, semi-synthetic, different labels of Lanzhou lubricating oil need systems...
Lanzhou Liulian lubricating oil manufacturers remind the use of heat transfer oil precautions。 1, to prevent impurities such as water in the heat carrier with the heat carrier heating rapid evaporation, heat conduction tube pressure rises sharply, resulting in uncontrollable degree and explosion accidents.